It’s Time to Show Up


What is holding you back right now? In this moment?

So many times we don’t do things out of fear. What will people think? Say? Will they believe I’ve changed? Will they not understand that I have actually changed, but in all the best ways? Will they not understand me?

We somehow put voices to “they” and give nameless people life and some kind control over us. We probably learned to do this in childhood or from some form of pain or emotional wound in our lives.

But we can change, and grow, and let our brains relearn new patterns.

Because what if the world is actually just waiting for you to show up? To completely own your life. To 100% be yourself. To prove “them”, or maybe even yourself, wrong. To cause them to say - if she can do it, I can do it, too. Maybe the world needs you to silence those fear-derived, invisible voices and take a chance on yourself. Maybe they’re only saying something in the first place, because you haven’t given them anything else to talk about yet.

And you know you have it within you. You have everything you need to be everything you want to be. That desire is uniquely yours.

So what if, instead, you listened to your inner voice for a change? The equally strong, equally powerful, but truer voice. The one that knows your worth deep down. That knows you deserve a place in the world just as much as anyone else. The one that comes from a place of truth, rather than the choir of lies that only feels loudest because you’ve given it an echo chamber for far too long.

You get to choose which thoughts you echo. You get to choose to move the microphone to your other hand and give voice to the beautiful reality that only you can bring to this world. It’s up to you. Right now.

Follow that true voice, babe. you can trust yourself. You can trust who you were created to be and become. If it’s within you, it’s meant for you - it is you. If it’s within you, it depends on you to share it. If it’s within you, we need it from you. This is your time. I’m giving you permission. Go all in; hold nothing back.

It’s time to show up.


The Gap is Smaller Than You Think.


Enneagram Types: Home Workout Edition