The Gap is Smaller Than You Think.


you were made to thrive.

We go when we want to stop. 

We fight when we feel like giving in. 

We push when we want to quit. 

We choose to believe when we sense the doubt. 

We take one more step, 3 more steps... we go the extra mile.

Because nothing happens at step one. Nothing happens when it’s easy. Anyone can do easy.

But YOU... you weren’t made for easy. You weren’t made for simply surviving. You were literally, figuratively, and spiritually made to absolutely THRIVE. You were created to take formative action, take hold of your thoughts, and take yourself to the next level. You have what it takes. You have everything you need. Your mind is strong. You are valued. You are worthy. You are whole.

Everything in your body and mind is designed to find this way of life for you. For others. For community and relationships and love. Every connection, every feeling, every brain cell is yours to take hold of; to own it, change it, use it to live out the calling, the dream, the unique strength within you.

The distance between this step from surviving to thriving is up to you; it’s all in our minds. The gap between you and leadership is that extra step to go first and pave the unpaved road. The gap between you and success is one decision to do what you know you need to do, even when it gets hard. The gap between you and experience is today’s choice of consistency, even when you don’t feel like it. The gap between proving it to yourself and never knowing if you have it in you… is in choosing to make it happen no matter what, even when you don’t know what the outcome will look like. Progress over perfection. Endurance over sprints. Consistency over

The gap is only scary because it’s unknown. It’s unknown because this is what’s required to get you to the next level of your life, your brain, your focus, your heart. The gap is MUCH SMALLER than you think.

. . .

What gap is staring you in the face today?

What step will you take to fill it?


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It’s Time to Show Up