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Hey there! =)

I’m Alyssa - coach, traveler, business owner, beach lover, Kingdom believer! I’m passionate about helping people create breakthrough in their health - mind and body - with a real life sustainable lifestyle.

Learning a healthy lifestyle has helped me become a clear, strong, confident version of myself. I’m sure many of you have also struggled to make time for yourself, whether you’re balancing career, family, friends, or a constantly full schedule. It can be difficult to prioritize yourself in any season of life, no matter your age, relationship, career, financial place, or family.

Not until a few years ago did I begin to learn the value of loving myself, making space and time for myself, and giving my body what it needs. I’m sure many of you can relate to that, too. My passion is helping people transform their bodies and minds from the inside out - for good. I want to empower you on your journey to a clear mindset, strong body, and firm sense of belief in yourself. We all have the same hours in the day. We all have been given one body as a Temple. Now, we get to choose what we do with it, how we move it , and how we feed it. The lie is that you have to do it alone or it isn’t really you... the truth is that you’re allowed to ask for help.

The Backstory

Growing up I was always active, since I was a young kid. City soccer, sports, running or biking around the neighborhood, climbing trees, etc and then sports in high school. Movement has always been part of my life. I didn’t always understand the nutrition side of things, though. My mom caught on to some of the healthy-food kick early on, but the food did NOT taste good then!! A lot of soy based substitutes (which I now know I’m allergic to!), flavorless recipes, and weird textures. So I didn’t understand cognitively at all why it was important to “eat well”.

Going into high school, I began struggling with cystic acne. I became incredibly self conscious and critical of my self/skin. I didn’t love myself because of my bad skin. I didn’t believe in myself because of my bad skin. I thought it discredited my beauty and minimized my ability to impact people. I thought it was all other people could see (it certainly was all I saw). I thought it disqualified me from helping people because I had such an evident health issue myself. I didn’t see myself as equal or valued. I would see other women worry about their weight, and I would think - but what I would just give to swap bodies so I could have the skin on their face. (Yes you guys, there were my real thoughts). This perspective took me most of my 20s to overcome, and it also took me about 10-15 years to truly heal my body physically from having chronic and cystic adult acne. What I learned that I’m so grateful for now is that - our bodies are telling us things all the time! God designed it this way.

On the lifestyle side of things - I’d always been that girl who was constantly “busy”, filling my schedule to the max, not sleeping enough, juggling responsibilities I could have said “no” to - the list goes on. I’ve worked 4 jobs at one time before. It can seem so hard to decide when and where to invest your time and priority when it’s you vs. the world demanding your abilities, energy, money, time, and attention… and when you let the world dictate your schedule so you don’t have to deal with and resole the real issues underneath.

My educational background is a BS in Psychology. I then got my MS in Professional Counseling, and then I studied business and received my MBA. I spent 10 years in event planning and administrative work and started my own events business on the side. During this same time, because of my personal health/skin journey, I had become obsessed with researching holistic health starting in my early 20s… general nutrition, food intolerances, supplements, allergies, what nutrition even means, how it works, why it matters, how to eat for different health problems, what to eat for different needs, the food system, etc. I began to understand why it’s important to eat healthy (aka real, fresh foods) and what food does to my body. I began teaching group fitness classes in 2016 and realized I looked forward that hour in my day specifically and always made it a priority. I found myself saying I wished I could just teach fitness all day everyday. Along the way I began feeling a shift away from the event world that I could not explain. It was confusing to recognize that, because I loved what I did. So in late 2019 I started an online health and wellness business, and in January/February 2020 I began coaching people in a nutrition program. And then… March 2020 hit (I love how we all know what that means).

On that day when the world shut down, it started to all make sense. All my events were cancelled for the foreseeable future. But I was ready for a shift, and so was the world. I began doing my own daily HIIT workouts at home to stay active, and the next week I started recording and sharing them on my Facebook page every day so my friends could stay active at home, too, which grew to over 350 people. I created a free 4-week plan to share with my friends and followers, starting adding to my workout page, launched coaching small groups… and I literally have not looked back since!

I know God used everything in my journey to bring me to this place. I could never have planned it this way. I have always been a gatherer of people and an encourager of friends. I’m a much better coach than a counselor, and I’m able to use everything I’ve learned from events and counseling in my health and fitness world. I’m able to apply everything I’ve learned in my own journey towards loving myself, being consistent, becoming healthy, and loving healthy food. I come alive most in the moments I’m helping someone else learn what health is for themselves. Nothing makes me happier or more proud than seeing my clients and friends find their own health breakthroughs. Nothing brings me more joy than seeing clients’ lab results change, joints stop hurting, symptoms disappear, energy return…. it’s freedom. It’s you returning to your self and your wholeness as God intended and created you!

Today… I truly love myself. I actually like seeing myself in the mirror more without makeup on than with (could make me cry). I am connected to my purpose in the Kingdom and to my Creator. I have successfully maintained a balanced, sustainable lifestyle for several years on end. I am the most confident I’ve ever been. I am the healthiest I’ve ever been. I’m the strongest I’ve ever been. And I have the clearest skin I’ve ever had.

I see the best in everyone and believe in that version of you so deeply. I’m your coach. I’m your biggest cheerleader. And I’ll always tell you the truth.

YOU are worth it to prioritize your health… in fact, you must. Men are workers and Women are multipliers. So when you’re at your best - everything around you will be 10x better! When you’re healthy, you can best steward everything you’ve been given. This makes you better for the people, family, career, business, kids, grandkids, pets, homes, and all the other amazing responsibilities and blessings around you. Becoming your best requires you to show up for yourself - first. That happens when you start fueling your body properly every week. It happens when you move consistently every day. It happens when you learn that food is fuel. It happens when you heal what your body s telling you is wrong. It happens when you love yourself and show up with confidence. This world needs you, all of you!

And I want you to know - whatever you are dealing with, whatever roller coaster you’ve been on… you do not have to feel this way. You were created for health. There is a way.

I’m honored to have you along for the journey and grateful you would take the time to read this. I’d love to hear from you about what your own health journey looks like or what you’re believing for in your health and lifestyle. Please send me a message and let’s talk!

