One Healthy Decision


One healthy decision will always fuel your next healthy decision.

I’ve been thinking about this concept a lot lately. A book I read (Atomic Habits) brought it home for me.

I love helping people like you reach their goals. And I tend to always say some version of this thought in those moments, or even when I’m trying tp push myself to just do something.

Decide today to make ONE consistent, healthy, 2-minute-long choice in your days. Do it for a week, and start noticing what other healthy choices that initial decision ins now fueling, encouraging, influencing… if you start with just one decision right now, it’ll make the next ones a little bit easier to get to as you build trust with yourself.

What healthy decision will you make today?


This book kicked my mindset journey into high gear and helped me connect the gap between my dreams and goals vs. my reality and actions to get there.

I’d love for you to check it out and learn more about your own habits and how they can change your life!

I may receive a kickback for using my link, but the cost is still the same to you.


Enneagram Types: Home Workout Edition


Truth > Fear