Truth > Fear


[ context ]

We have equal access to both constructive and destructive ways of thinking in this world. For me in this conversation, destructive means negativity, stagnation, fear, and inaction; constructive means positivity, truth, growth oriented, and action towards goals. Often I find myself wondering why I choose the low-level path of action based on fears rather than the high-level route of productive action based on truths. Action always stems from underlying beliefs, which grow from mindsets; these mental states create (subconscious) habits, which is ultimately how we live.

So in a simple sense, we can choose an empowering mindset, or we can choose a limiting mindset. In my terms this is truth or fear. Often we create stories about ourselves based on limiting beliefs (fears, lies, doubts, etc) and start believing those as fabricated truths. This could come from unresolved trauma in childhood (or adulthood); it could be wounds, scars, hurts, and misinformed beliefs about ourselves. We all experience this. There are forces in this world and supernaturally that can work for you or against you - so you must choose which one you allow to dictate your life.

In the same sense, we can just as easily choose to write our life narratives from a constructive mindset. When we do that, the stories we tell ourselves look and sound very different, and call us to a higher level of growth, responsibility, self-acceptance, and empowerment of both ourselves and others.

Why is it that we can so easily fall back on fears instead of living out of truths?

[ fear ]

What are the fears you have right now? Fears are thoughts or beliefs that disrupt you from progress; they lie to you about who you are and who you can’t grow to be. They limit you to your past events - whether perceived or actual reality. These are moments or feelings or thought patterns that creep in until you one day realize you’ve started acting differently, stalling, avoiding, or holding yourself back because of underlying, subconscious thoughts that have somehow fed your mind long enough and thus have control over your actions. You gotta get a hold on these.

[ truth ]

And what is the source of truth in your life right now? This has to do with who you are and who you were created to be and become. What dreams and goals and abilities do you have? What actions will serve your growth? What emotions and feelings inform your decisions in positive, productive ways? What is your guiding belief and vision in life? What is your “why”, your reason for not giving up on living your life to its fullest extent? You were made for more. Far more. You can do anything you put your mind to. You can rebuild, rewire, and reinvent yourself and your brain. You can broaden your perspectives as you learn and grow. You can be the person that your inner voice knows you were created to be. You are enough. You are worthy. You are seen, heard, and valued. These are all sources of truth.

[ the power of belief ]

The reality with this concept is that we have a choice. Until you really, truly believe that, you’ll feel stuck. Who first told you you don’t have a choice to change your source of belief and action? Yourself? Comparison? Another person? Unfounded assumptions? I want you to know that you have SO many choices! Everyday. Action stemming from fears… holding yourself back, believing the lie that you’re not good enough, not doing what you know you need to do… will get you nowhere. Even if you really think you don’t deserve to get the most out of life, you won’t even enjoy the journey of assigning yourself to a basic life. It takes the same amount of energy to choose inaction from fear as it does to choose positive action based on truth.

However! When you act, live, learn, love, grow, share, and move out of truth… your life becomes full, alive, meaningful, and awake. And I’m here to tell you that not only CAN you make this choice - you HAVE to. You must decide today. We need you to bring all of your best self to this world. It’s not a feel good gospel. It’s not going to be comfortable. It’s not natural, because you haven’t done it yet. It’s not an easy answer, either - in fact, it’s very hard work to keep your mind functioning from a place of truth. It’s just as hard as it is to hold yourself back and use your energy to keep yourself small, bringing about more fear, anxiety, and worry that you aren’t living out your potential. The effort is the SAME! Do not be fooled by the subtle casualness of fear. It’s not easier in the long run… it’s just easier NOW, in this moment, if you’re looking through a temporary lens.

The sooner we let go of that internal battle and make an intentional choice to live out of truth, the sooner action from truth will become more normal, subconscious, rooted, and empowering for our daily choices. This is the only way to work towards your wild dreams and amazing goals. And, please hear me - these dreams and goals are completely, totally attainable for you, just as you are. It’s not normal to have beautiful dreams and wild goals. So those thoughts within you - they’re all yours, and it’s up to you to make them a reality.

[ question ]

What once choice today will you consciously make in spite of fear and based on truth?

Write it down.

We got this.


One Healthy Decision