Some Thoughts On Reflection

This past weekend I visited my biz bestie, sister friend, forever inspiring soul in Cali. She’s about to move literally from corner to corner across the country. I love her and visiting SoCal so I wanted to send her off. Our time was mostly rainy until this beauuutiful sunny breezy day! And we spent it drinking coffee and matcha, packing her up, visiting a museum, driving the coast, eating lots of yummy food, going to bed early, resting, dreaming, laughing… it was so great and it filled my soul.

On our last day (and her last Sunday living there), we drove down to Laguna Beach. We sat and stood and walked on these rocks and sands for well over an hour, doing our own things… taking it all in, for different reasons and seasons, individually but together nonetheless.

I stared at the ocean and where it hits the shore and could see a thousand different things if I looked a thousand different times…

… the way the light hits thee trees versus the succulents versus the shrubs ☼

… the colors of the ocean that always seem new; dark blue, light blue, deep blue, blue green, teal, turquoise, nearly white 〰

… the sway of the palms, each branch in the wind ༄

… the shifting of the rocks, the sand, the shore ✧

It’s endless.

… the movement of the water, the varying depths, the cadence between waves, the sound, the rush, the lull, the silence, the break.

Being by the sea never gets old for me for all these reasons and more.

It always puts me back in my place, in awe of a God whose creation continually inspires us for our own daily creation… and whose peace is as strong and as comforting and as present as the sea.

And it all causes me to reflect. My dear friend asked me afterwards (she always has the best questions) if I had any profound insights by the water, and I said no - not yet, but probably later. Sometimes that’s how it goes for me. Sitting in the airport, on the flight home, I realized how sacred that time and space by the sea was for me. My insight I realized was the supreme value and gift of stillness and reflection.

It was a sabbath, a prayer, rest… in and of itself. The time and space and perspective to have a clear, light, present, open, fresh mind. The reflection and reminder that every day, every breath, every wave is an opportunity to become new… in thought, in action, in belief.

I’m not sure what it is for you, but for me, I know I can always refresh and reset when I get by the ocean. I hope you find or create new breath and life and energy for you - for something that matters to you - this week. ❤

If you’re not sure where to start, begin with this photo. I mentioned we went to a museum (the Getty) during my trip, and we got the last two spots on one of the tours with this sweet gentleman who took us around. We spent 45 minutes with him and our group - and guess how many painting we toured? Only four - yes, 4! I’m not sure what I expected, but it wasn’t that. ;) Anyway, our guide took us to the first painting, and he said it was the first piece he was assigned to study when he was applying for his docent position. He was assigned to a one-hour time of discovering everything he could about that photo. In just five minutes, he had us do the same, and it was amazing each layer, nuance, meaning, detail we could discover together.

So if you’d like to take five, ten, or sixty minutes for yourself today and don’t know where to begin, or how to slow your brain down, or what you would even do in that quiet space… if you want to slow the rush but don’t know how to stop the flood of thoughts, tasks, to do items… start here.

Close your eyes.

Take five slow, deep breaths.

Take five more.

Open your eyes and discover this photo.

What depth do you see?

How many different colors can you identify?

Who does it remind you of?

What time of day may it have been?

Which direction is the wind going?

How many plants are represented?

As you take this time for yourself, breathe in a new perspective that can settle, shift, and support you all week. Proud of you for taking time to reframe and replenish your self, your soul. ♡


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