Some Thoughts On Love

This is what the greats say… you have to have LOVE in what you do to be great.

We can think of that as giving love, having love - but I also believe it starts with loving yourself.

Not selfishly but rightfully.

You were CREATED uniquely as you are, and denying your beautiful worth of existence is saying your value comes from what you may or may not think, or feel, or believe in a given, passing, fleeting moment… when really, your worthiness of love comes from your internal being. Your created birthright. And that internal being is best defined, expressed, and lived out by love. It’s who you truly are at your core.

So if you have goals, passions, dreams in your heart… start carrying them out by learning to love yourself.

Start loving yourself by showing up for yourself, not making excuses or falling victim to circumstance.

Start loving yourself by moving your body, instead of putting it off for another day or waiting for motivation.

Start loving yourself by eating well so you’ll have better health and energy and thinking, instead of using junk food and sugar crashes as self “care”.

If you want to love your life, you have to start loving yourself.

As you love yourself you’ll learn what it really is to love others better.

Loving yourself is grace, not judgment. It is presence, not intention. It is belief, not hope. It is acceptance, not resistance. It is a perspective, a worldview, a vision.

When you trust that you were created just as you were meant to be… then this attitude and foundation of genuine love can and will exude from deep within you. You’ll begin to find yourself with more community, more opportunity, and more energy to give to others. You have more belief in yourself to bring that commitment and love into what you DO, what you create in this world, how you serve, how you grow.

And you will be able be, give, do things that way because love now naturally extends from WHO you are. You will always act out of what you believe and what you believe about yourself. And I believe you are worthy of great love - of both receiving, giving, and being a deep well of love for yourself and those around you. <3


Healthy Brownies


Homemade Vegetable Broth