Get uncomfortable.


The little things are the big things.

Make your bed every day.

Back in your driveway every day.

Wash your dishes right away.

Whatever it is for you, when you find yourself on the path of least resistance… stop taking the easy way out on the the little things. Train yourself now for discomfort so that when life, work, goals, dreams, relationships etc. bring resistance… you’re no longer derailed; you’re ready to keep going.

Sometimes we (I) slack on things in the name of efficiency, getting shiz done, or checking off the boxes for the day. But the little things we don’t do start to affect our mindset and how we approach everything else.My word for the year is focus, and through that lens I’m working to see everything more clearly and be brutally honest with myself - my habits, what holds me back, what I could really do better, how I can stop letting the little, seemingly minor things slide in the name of something bigger and better.

Because when I make my bed and start the day in order, and take the 7 extra seconds to back my car in, or workout even if I’m tired… it starts to make me stronger mentally. And those habits always, always, always carry over.

The reverse effect happens, too. When we slack on little things, we begin to look for the easy way out on the big things, even if we don’t intend to. I’ve definitely been guilty of this. Call it the dark side of #enneagram3, but I didn’t even realize it for a while. I truly wanted to be productive, efficient, use my time for things that really matter… but I got to a point of being more busy than productive, more distracted than efficient, and more energy wasting than time saving.

Of course these little things don’t have power over our days in and of themselves. However, when you hear that prompting asking you, “Why didn’t I just ___ instead” - listen to it! Make the change. Create the uncomfortable yet necessary habits now. Set up your mindset for everything you’re capable of in life by allowing the small discomforts to train you for the larger obstacles that will come your way.

I want to learn the habits that sustain me now so that I am ready for the next season of growth.

This isn’t negative. I pride myself on being positive. But it is the tension and reality of life. Everything worth it has a price, a sacrifice, an investment. We know this. And what more positive, beneficial way to approach that than with mindsets and actions we actually have control over?!

I believe that by strengthening my mind, going above and beyond as a way of life, and knowing what to expect that I will be more prepared in the seasons to come. I will be ready to face whatever comes my way. And I probably won’t even get that opportunity if I haven’t taken the small steps, first.

—> What 3 small things can you start doing today, and everyday, to get uncomfortable and train your brain?

photo by: @meliebig


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