What are you waiting for?

What comes to mind first?

A business idea you never wrote out?

A dream you haven’t yet thought through?

A goal you continually set aside?

A challenge you want to meet?

A mindset you want to change?

A change in belief about yourself that you’d never think about anyone else?

What are the reasons you haven’t you made it happen yet? Let’s start to try and figure that out.


Why do we hold ourselves back?

This question/mental dilemma has come up so many times this week in my mind. What in the world are we waiting for, you guys?! The thing with an idea is that if you don’t follow through with it… someone else will. The world is waiting, asking, hoping for you to be the one to make it happen.

The world is *not* asking why you shouldn’t do it, why you can’t do it, what might hold you back, who might not understand you, or what questions are yet unanswered.

So what is it? Here’s a few reasons I’ve found that may help you to start looking past the surface and finding the root of it for yourself.

Is it fear?

Are you afraid of what others think?

Are you afraid you won’t maintain success?

Are you afraid of not being the “type” of person who accomplishes that very thing?

Is it distraction?

Do you spend your money in other places and then have nothing to invest in your goal?

Do you use your time on other things, leaving you with no time for your self or your dreams?

Do you stay busy rather than becoming actually productive?

Is it a limited mindset?

What negative things do you catch yourself saying to yourself in your mind?

What do you believe others are capable of that you don’t yet believe for yourself?

What excuses do you make for your lack of time, money, self-worth, or resources?

Friends… it’s been all of these things for me. And still is many days. Even though I’ve made the decisions and commitments that now allow me to do what I love on daily basis… I have to fight through the next round of fears, distractions, and limiting beliefs that hold me back from reaching my next level. All that to say - it’s good to acknowledge what’s holding you back. Identify it, put names to it, call it out. Get honest with yourself.  Take time to actually write it down and let some of the fear out on your paper, your phone notes. your computer screen. Acknowledge what’s holding you back so you can start doing something about it.

What are your beliefs around “successful people” who go for their goals?

In real time I’m realizing something about these intangible setbacks - they don’t disappear. The goal is not to remove and void them from our lives completely so that we then may feel qualified, validated, or sure enough to keep moving forward. No matter how “far” along we perceive we are in life, mindset, discipline, habits… we’re still human. And that’s okay.

This makes me think about the reverse age gap. As a kid, I used to think people even 4 or 5 years older than me were so far ahead in life (and so much cooler). Now when I look at someone 4 or 5 years younger than me, the gap feels so much smaller.

I think this concept applies to personal growth, goals, mindset, and change. From where we’re at right now, looking ahead to where we want to be, the gap seems far. I’m not sure I can make that climb successfully. However… when I realize all that I’ve already done, and I look back at where I came from, I realize 2 things: 1) the gap from there to here wasn’t as scary and intimidating as I thought it would be.; and 2) now that I’m here, I’m able to see from another viewpoint even greater goals I want to accomplish.

You are that type of success-worthy person.

It all comes back to what we believe about ourselves. We have to decide whether or not we are ready to accept that we are just as capable and worthy as anyone else to make our dreams come alive in this life. We don’t have to have to be any more notably unique, special, deserving, worthy, valuable, talented, smart, or accomplished in any other way. We already are so purposefully important with our insanely intricate, unmatchable, irreplaceable, and complex makeup that’s already defined by each of our own DNA makeups. You have no need to even compare yourself to someone else because only you can live out what YOU need to do on this earth. For this earth, for the people around you, for the people you haven’t yet met.

There’s soo much more to say on this, and I will follow up with another post soon to break it down and give you proven reasons for why and how you are and can become more of this type of potential-realizing person from the inside out. For now… acknowledge your strongholds and limiting beliefs. Take one step today towards your most important goal. And start changing your mindset when you talk to yourself. I believe in you so much!

Mindset Statement

Say this to yourself: I am worthy and deserving of great success. I am capable of maintaining that success for the long run. I am serving the world by living out my dreams and talents to my fullest, best extent. I am on my way towards achieving all my goals.


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